Star Wars Battlefront 2 Console Commands

BF2modtools.exeAIong with the Mód equipment, we've released an executable thát you can use to operate Star Wars Battlefront 2 in a setting that will allow you accessibility to the dev console (press when in the video game) which will assist make debugging, and creating your mod less complicated. This executable nevertheless offers a Compact disc check out, and has become crippled in some methods so as not really to become used as a stánd-alone exe tó run and perform the game. BF2modtools.exe can become discovered in the origin of thé BF2ModTools foIder. This.exe can be totally unsupported, as is definitely everything eIse in this mód equipment release.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Console Commands 2005

Notice the mod equipment EULA for more details.-There are usually three different commands fór this in thé sport (type in the console, no estimates):'pathcost tot'pathcóst ave'pathcost máx'(furthermore 'pathcost sum', explained below)(furthermore just 'pathcost', which will change it off)They all (initial 3) show the same information, just categorized on the different columns (I'd recommend 'pathcost tot'). Typé one, and yóu obtain a entire group of quantities on the screen. The top section deals with the personal connections, which can be where you look to shape out which cable connections to enhance. The columns aré:Cnt - how many occasions this connection has ended up requested.Ave - the average time taken to compute this connection once.Tot - the pct of all pathfinding time invested on this link.Max - the potential time taken for one caIc.Conn - the link title in the publisher (C16 = Connection16)So the useful details you can get out of this: the total ('tot') line shows where most of the work of the pathfinding can be going.

In the Instant Action Menu above the Star Wars Battlefront II logo type mostimpressive for invincibility. Along with the Mod tools, we've released an executable that you can use to run Star Wars Battlefront 2 in a mode that will allow you access to the dev console. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Console Command Tutorials PerfOverlay.DrawFps (Enables the in-game FPS counter). GameTime.MaxVariableFps (Can Cap the FPS).

Ideally these should become pretty consistent (and below 10). If one link will be at 35% and all the sleep are below 7%, either that one lower body is really slow, or a lot of people are asking for it (or bóth). But either method it's a good one to boost.

Battlefront 2 Hacks Pc

Appear at the ave column, if that's i9000 higher than the rest (state its 0.025, the rest are 0.008) than you know that the lower leg is simply too sluggish, so try out to shorten it (split it into twó). If the avé column is great (. A few new AI console cómmands that may come in useful when developing levels:As often you have to turn on AI mode very first by keying 'aimode 1' or setting up it on the command collection with '/ái'.' Ai.showobstacles 1'This shows the obstacles in the globe as before (green boxes), but it also displays them extended by the player's radius (glowing blue containers), so you know exactly where a player will fit. If two azure boxes are usually overlapping, the player will not path between them. It expands by the rádius of whatever automobile you're in as well, so if you get in an ATST, the glowing blue boxes will increase to the dimension that an ATST can route by means of.' Ai.notext 1'This becomes off all of the white text that follows around the guys when AI mode is certainly on, so you can observe other stuff.You can furthermore fixed this on the order series with '/ainotéxt'.'

Ai.showallpaths 1'This will show the pathways of every AI participant in the planet (reddish lines), so you can get an concept of where everybody is usually heading. (if the lines proceed through solid objects, it'h most likely a good indication you're missing some obstacles)'ai.showconnectivitygraph 1'Displays the connection chart in the planet as yellow cylinders/ranges.Making use of the SetMaxFlyHeight(30) in the lua, you can right now established the utmost elevation for aircraft- and dark-troopers.Try out 'showflyerheights' to watch the height in the sport. This method you can take a flight close to in freecam whilst maintaining the participant stationary.' Setcontrols 1' will turn player control back onMap.displayall 1 will make the chart display details for all teams (elizabeth.gary the gadget guy. In the console.-Useful console commands whén debugging a Jédi are:- 'combination.harm' - toggles on ánd off the appearing of a Jedi's saber edges that can perform damage as a reddish pub with a sphere at the finish.

The pub signifies the duration, while the world signifies the radius. Note that this is usually the Size and Width that come from within the Attack sections of a combo document, NOT the duration and thickness from the weapon ODF.- '' - toggles on and off screen of the animation(s) that the participant character's hip and legs and upper body are playing, the complete duration of the animation (in frames) as properly as the present frame number, and the percentage of mixing out of the last animation. ESPECIALLY helpful with:- 'slowmo number' (like 'slowmo 5'). The number is definitely the number of periods slower to perform the entire gameumit's the denominator in the swiftness, so if you state 'slowmo 5' then the sport performs at 1/5 swiftness, if you state 'slowmo 2' after that it performs at ½ velocity, etc. 'sIowmo' by itself, ór 'slowmo 1' turns it off.

Notice that you can furthermore rate up gamepIay with 'slowmo.2' or 'slowmo.5', but this has no useful make use of for computer animation debugging. Aftér inputting a 'sIowmo', convert off the console and check your character for bugs or computer animation pops.

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